Your home / office repair / maintenance solution in your hand
The FixBos application helps you to get fast service for Safe and Comfortable Repair, Renovation and Cleaning of Buildings and their Furniture / Equipment inside.
The FixBos application is easy to use even for the Older Generation, because the FixBos application uses a chat application that is very familiar to users.
FixBos officers have been selected and verified, photos / profiles of the officers are displayed in the application and when they come to your place to help you, they are also equipped with a Password / Passcode for Service User Security.
There is a Service Fee Guide that can be used as an illustration for service users how much the user must provide funds for.
Service Fees are General Fees, and the details are clear.
Easy payment methods, users can pay cash directly to officers or by bank transfer to FixBos.
All work is under warranty and FixBos will continue to guard the warranty until it expires.
With FixBos 'Everything Is Easier'
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